Claudi Rohrer: Carving A Sustainable Approach

Growing up in the breathtaking Rhein Valley of Vorarlberg, Claudi Rohrer's affinity for the outdoors was ingrained from a young age. Surrounded by a family deeply rooted in mountain sports, her childhood was filled with skiing, mountain biking, climbing, and hiking. Skiing, in particular, became her passion, fostering a profound connection to nature and igniting a lifelong commitment to its preservation.

Transitioning to Freeskiing

Transitioning from traditional ski racing to freeskiing, Claudi found liberation gliding through the untouched powder of her home resort's forests. This newfound freedom on snow coincided with a burgeoning awareness of environmental issues fueled by her love for the natural world. "Skiing reminds me of the importance of sustainability," she reflects. "It gives me life energy, and being in nature constantly reminds me of our impact on it."

Embracing a Sustainable Lifestyle

Now based in Innsbruck, Claudi has integrated sustainability into her approach to travel, consumption, and life as best she can. Embracing a low-impact lifestyle, she commutes by bike regardless of whether it is to the University, to visit with friends, or to manage the necessities of life like grocery shopping. When it comes to travel and skiing, she utilizes public transit and carpooling. Her commitment to offset her carbon footprint extends to her daily choices. It includes a circular approach towards consumerism by shopping secondhand for everything besides necessary outdoor safety equipment, and it extends to purchasing only locally and seasonally sourced food.

Living by Personal Sustainability Rules

"I have my own rules I live by," she explains. "I fly no more than once a year; I cycle wherever I need to go within the city, take public transit, and buy food from no more than one country away. Of course, at times, this is difficult; I am addicted to Mangos, I absolutely love them, but sticking to my rules, I've had to give them up."

Inspiring Change Through Action

Claudi's approach to sustainability is not about lecturing others or being overly vocal. But on and off skis, she believes that small actions can catalyze significant change. And the best way to be a catalyst is by being an example. Carving her own path for a sustainable future, she offers ideas of how others can make shifts in their own lives, how you can approach sports, and how you can live a bit more simply.

The Personal Impact of Skiing on Sustainability

She explains, "When I am on skis, I see nature all around me, the glaciers melting, the lower snow packs, and the effects of warmer temperatures. It is a clear reminder that I need to play my part personally to help with change, even in small shifts in my lifestyle. So, I am trying."

Words: Tristan Hobson